Thursday, April 30, 2015

8 templates trader psychology, or you crying madhouse!

Hello, dear readers! I've just had enough of sneakers, it seems they have raised me up, so I decided to write an unusual post! As each of you looks from the outside? To what psychological type of trader you feel about it? Realizing himself, will know in which direction to grow. By screws!

How do I know all this? This is not the ultimate truth, just my observations. I have been trading since 2008, people leave, others come, leaving in memory of behaviors, attitudes to trading. All this I have grouped and gathered in this article.

8 portraits trader psychology
Nihilists. Favorite phrase: "You have to sell anything!" Trader-nihilists is rare! Most speculators so emotional about their work that those become difficult. Therefore, this type occurs among experienced. Its nothing surprises, he's already passed a hundred times, and washing dishes provokes the release of more adrenaline than the real trade! Slept through the opening of markets - stable! Forget it sold or bought - please! To go to the country among the trading week - no question! Most likely, he did not know why continues to engage in trading, it can be habit (by the way, a strong piece)?
Whiner. These occur more often! You can judge the forums. Main cried for him to talk about his troubles, that the broker had cheated him, and told a very different course. Often starts a separate blog, in which he describes his failures, complain to them and asked for advice in the comments. Just asked for $ 10 to start a new career trader, as nowhere else to take them, and a good investor is the last hope to reveal talent brilliant speculator. Favorite phrase: "Well, why it happened to me ?!"
Braggart. This is a very common type, literally every novice trader is in a psychological state. After brainwashing courses after the first operations in the financial markets, narcissism mingled with pride for the selection of "innovation" of the profession. This condition increases during a successful trade, then gets even family! He considers it his duty to tell everyone the reason for the fall of the euro, to tell how he foresaw more 3 days before the crash and how he earned it $ 1 million. On the question "where is the money" with dignity replied: "donated to charity ...", even if learned about the fall of the euro five minutes ago :-). Favorite phrase: "Yes I have already earned, do not want to!"
Botanist. He knows everything! In general, everything! Since the factors that affect the change in the price of gold, finishing color sock president International Monetary Fund. From his truth will not go away, if you asked him about something, you can be sure - you will at least get a full course of lectures revealing the whole area! Like a wounded tiger rushes on any unclear issues and reach an understanding on a tight schedule. But do not know how to make. He knows everything about the markets, but how to apply this knowledge is not up to date. The knowledge he is interested in more than the result. Favorite phrase: "Are you talking about something like to ask me?"
Player. I do not know what Trading - this is a business, work. Trade him for a great way to emotions, feelings. The exact opposite of a successful trader if one tries to avoid the influence of emotions on the action, then the second is doing everything to get the emotions :-). About MM I never heard. Drive the full deposit in one transaction if losing - upset bat breaks computer pours gasoline and ignited, fiercely dancing around the fire; if wins - he gives all gifts, talks about the successes and spends on drink all the money! Favorite phrase: "He who does not ventured, nothing pёt champagne!"
Asshole. Given that 95% lose money, potentially, many can record yourself in this category :-). This type is characterized by the eternal problems with the psychology of traders. He knows and understands better than anyone else, can tell you all the rules of money management, I have developed several profitable trading strategies and well versed in the same psychology, but does not know how to make money! When it comes to real trading, all the knowledge evaporate from his mind with lightning speed! After each failure parse error, realizes them and repeats again. Favorite phrase: "Why did I do that ?!"
I dont know. The psychological type of "trader-I do not know" is popular in the vast financial sea. This is the quintessence of indecision! 100% in vain looking for a method to trade. He is trying to trade until he found. Checks the ability to deal with all the parties, uses all types of analysis. When all the conditions are the same for opening a position, come up with some sign telling about the risks of the operation and refuses to trade. If this mark is not, it throws a coin as long as falls "bad" side, not to open a position. The favorite phrase is not, as it it not yet decided.
I tomatoes. Read advertisements about earning $ 3000 a day for 15 minutes, he sold the apartment and moved the money into the account. As all big losses start to realize that this world is not so simple as it seems. But knowledge "a little" is not enough. Fully aware that he had committed nonsense when the transaction closes broker margin call. I do not know how it happened, and does not understand where it disappeared money. Sues at an advertising agency. Favorite phrase: "I did not know ..."
Do not judge strictly for my sarcasm, I've been in more than one category, so treat with humor and to yourself! I recall that even such a joke post may give birth to useful conclusions, I leave you, dear readers, think about your personal trader psychology! If you've read this far, you will be interested in the following articles: "Every beginner trader believes Chung Chang ...", "How to become a successful trader with a probability of 99%?"