Thursday, April 30, 2015

As traders to correct their mistakes? Effective ways to improve results.

Hello! Today promised continued about ways to correct mistakes traders! If you have not read the article "16 traders system errors", do it immediately, or do not realize that correct. Yes, I tell-effective ways to improve the results, many of which he applied, they really work! Go!

In the last article I have collected common mistakes traders system, surely you understand them before. But understanding does not guarantee the result, it is possible to understand, but at the same time to make mistakes. This is psychology, and it will have to work. I must say: patience and a desire to work on a need to surpass all global stocks :-). Change a lot harder than it looks, but it is real!

The main thing to learn from the very beginning - is above all the result. You have to do whatever it takes to achieve the goal. What is the goal? Good trade, stable, profitable.
Each person has subconscious mind, many things we do on the machine. There are emotions that influence the decision and action selection. Many of the subconscious and emotional actions have a negative impact on the trading results, that they need to find and fix.
The subconscious and emotional actions do not appear in person at birth, he them to learn throughout their lives, repeating over and over again and eventually stopping to think about them. If we want to change it, then we go on the same way we teach our body to do some things right, until they become automatic.
This was a short introduction to the further understanding of the material. Next, consider the 16 traders system error that described in the previous article and try to understand the causes and correction methods. The final outcome depends on you.
16 System error traders.
1. Absence of the system. Most profitable traders - system. Only a few trade intuitively, based on experience. Do you have a positive experience accumulated over the years?
What is the reason for the absence of the system? Consider basic: you will not have to choose the transaction, you will not get the adrenaline will not be able to tell your friends, how to predict a movement, and to capitalize on this. You can not feel smart or winner, you will not need to think to open deal. All this greatly at odds with the views of the trader. After all, you are a brilliant trader with a born talent, that you can make on world events and came into this profession, to prove it to all the others and himself. This self-esteem, with the normal ego. Given that trading start wondering, young people may not realize himself in life, self-esteem is stronger than a hundred times!
Could all of this to give a systematic trading? No, he can not. System Trading - boring and monotonous work. You will not experience emotions. You do not feel the joy of a profitable trade, and the bitterness of losing. You stop to admire the profession of trader, and do not think that doing cool thing. All your problems will be reduced to calculations and execution of the same action, day after day. You do not need to analyze the market situation and to look for the sale or purchase. There is a signal - open the deal. No signal - waiting. Not very fun job of work, right?
This is a completely different approach. Now consider, and decide what you want? You can go on about your self-esteem, to get all of the above joy. Or try to prove to the world that you have your intuition fails. Know the world you * at US !!!
You can go a proven way to success. You will engage in a boring job, construction and testing of the vehicle, to follow them. Earn.
Conceit or result?
If you can push away self-esteem and want to achieve a result, then it is necessary to develop the system and to trade on it. Only to it.
Make a strategy development plan, look free system and create your own. Do not trade a complete check strategy.
You will have to pull to make transactions or just on the basis of news, wean ourselves from this stupid habit. How? Think of the penalty for each committed transaction outside the system. Such a punishment that you hate, from which you will be bad. For example, wash your floors. We make a deal - washed apartment. They carried out 10 deals - 10 times washed apartment. Or stand under a cold shower after each operation unnecessary. Wait a minute or 15 minutes. Your brain over time, will feel the connection between unplanned transaction and punishment. Punishment is bad, therefore, you will not take actions that lead to the punishment. You should only trade on the system, there is no system - create it, there - waiting for the signal.
How to speed up the creation of a system? Teach your brain to think about nothing. Set a goal: to find patterns and come up on the basis of their method of action, and then test it. Hang this sign everywhere, where you can: in the closet, in the kitchen, in the shower, in the car, on the table, write the intro to the phone, on the hand, but at least on the forehead! Brain forget your goals, it is full of other thoughts, remind him about it and act! Place the intermediate goals and follow them. Consciously lead itself to the desired result. Realizing profitable strategy - will be able to earn.
To some it all seems silly, jokes on you will be parents or wife, it does not matter, want to achieve a result - forget about everything else !!! Bear with anyone other than you do not want your success.

Ошибки системных трейдеров

2. Lack of money management. Blunders. How to act in this case? We need to show your subconscious that the absence of MM bears bad outcome. How to do it?
A person may not immediately understand the impact of the results of MM, a trader thinks of a transaction and can not immediately assess the thousands of transactions. Do you have a strategy (if not, read 1 point), test it for 10 years with different styles of managing money. What? For example, standard lot, or at the risk of 1%, then 3% then 5% and 10%. Do not know how to calculate the risk in the transaction, then read how to do it. Complicated? This is a job, not a walk in the moonlight. You will get 5 tests. Look at the results of each test, assess the level of drawdown for this period and the profitability of the system. You may be surprised, but at the risk of a lower percentage, you can earn much more than the risk of a large. After these 5 tests and evaluation of results, you will have a guide for action, you will be able to demonstrate the effectiveness of self-MM systems and choose the best. You will understand the essence of MM, it will be much easier to comply with it.
3. Lack of self-belief. The best, in my opinion, way out - go to a psychologist.
4. Fear of open trade when required by the system. What could be the reason? Fear. The main reason - the likelihood that the transaction may be unprofitable. Teach yourself to deal with this fear. It usually helps to common sense and strong-willed decision to open a deal, despite the emotions.
If this is not enough, then look for the motivation that will push you. It may be more intense fear, for example, if you have not opened the deal when you need to, do not eat until the next day. Fear of a possible famine is much stronger. Repeated repetition you learn to follow the system.
There is a positive motivation. Think what you want? Promise yourself that at the end of the day you will get a bonus if you open all the right deals. This can be a cake with friends or watch the match of your favorite team.
TC Automation eliminates this problem as effectively as a trading robot will open a deal for you.
5. Skipping transactions selective trade. It is effective in the methods described above. If skipping transactions occur for other reasons, such as cases and the like, then plan your time. In advance make a plan for the day ahead.
Transfer of care on the weekend, but most of the time dedicate to trading.
Or buy a good phone and install it on his mobile terminal, conveniently, can always be in touch.
Automation is not less effective.
6. Do not put the stop. All the same fear of getting a loss. You are deceiving yourself if doing so. Why should convince yourself that you close the deal by hand in achieving a particular level? Perhaps the chasm online or break a computer is much easier to put the stop loss once and forget about it. So you are asking yourself the extra work necessary to monitor the transaction monitor.
It's like, do not use a microwave oven. Let your girl pours a bowl of soup, and wants to put warm. But you do not look for easy ways! After all, there is a lighter! Having selected a plate, you're trying to bring the soup to a boil lighter. You do so at home? I think no. Why complicate your life in trading?
If common sense you do not change, then the script would help. This is not the adviser, and the program, for one action. For example, you need to open a transaction, you use a pre-written script. It can calculate the volume, set the stop and profit. It is an efficient thing.
Methods with the preceding paragraphs will also work.
You can write on a piece of paper that you need to put a stop to every transaction, describe the causes which impel you to action it. Hang the list before my eyes. Drum into your head that operate without stops - silly, sooner or later you get tired of feeling like an idiot.
7. Close the deal to achieve profit levels. Try to be patient.
What could be the reason? In your expectations. When the price almost reached the profit when you almost made a profit, you stop to consider an option that quotes can be developed. You already expect a profit already think, what will be your balance. It do not need. In a world of so many probabilities and possible events that are planned to say that to you is independent, it is not necessary. If you do not have expectations, then you will not want to close the deal early. If you have expectations, you want them to be justified. Unjustified expectations worsen mood, cause negative, so you unconsciously are looking for opportunities to escape from unwanted emotions. Earlier closing of the transaction instantly relieves psychological burden. You get almost the same profit, you get a positive feeling and go from negative. But you're losing money. What is important to you, peace of mind, or the result? The result is paramount. With the experience and will be peace of mind, a person gets used to everything, later trading become the norm and will not cause strong emotions, but in the meantime work on yourself!
A good way to reduce the psychological burden during the open position - close the tab with the transaction and schedule. You will notice how it will be easier, will think less about it and stop to wind itself. The result of the transaction does not change the fact that you do not look at it, and will feel calmer.
After testing a trading strategy on the big stories, you will understand how important are a couple of points of profit. Believe me, the attitude changed once and for all.
8. Frequent change of system. Chances are, you have something does not suit. If you follow the system clearly, but lost three of the deposit, then everything is clear, this TS to forget as quickly as possible!
You may not be suitable level of psychological stress. For example, I am trading on such methods, which are quite difficult emotionally, drawdown for months, rare deal, can last for months, this approach is not suitable to all. In this case, you decide what you want, and find "their" strategy.

ошибки трейдеров

9. The increase in the volume of transactions or trade intensity. The reason is greed. Do you want to earn more, or quickly get out of the drawdowns. The fact is that any drawdown can continue and increase in volume will only increase it.
Automation of trading - a great option. You will not make decisions, you will not increase the volume.
If you want to delve into the mind, then try to realize that the increase in the volume of transactions is not always entails an increase in profits. The second point I offered to test the capital management system with a different level of risk. I think actually this time. Show yourself that the risk of smaller, you can earn more. Main follow MM.
10. Failure to understand the characteristics of your TC. Here everything is simple, you need to take and test the vehicle, even with the help of programs, even manually. Then all approximate figures you will have. By his own example, say that the test strategy for the long term INCREDIBLY increases confidence in her. Lost many of the problems themselves. It appears understanding of what you are doing and why. I helped cool.
11. Failure to understand the cost impact on the trading results. Already told in detail this topic in the article: "?! How Forex Commission kills your account" The link can view the results of a TC without commissions and with her. As they say, "Feel the difference!"
12. The lack of testing. The entire post is already talking about it, I do not know what else to write :-). Perhaps you already know that do not work according to a certain strategy without checking. You risk your money! Trading on an "incomprehensible" strategy is comparable to the investment of money in MMM.
13. Changing the system. If the operating system is proven, the case in psychology. Perhaps, the load is too great, and you are trying to reduce it, making the strategy more bearable. Can develop another?
If viewed from the side, it turns out that you do not stick to the system, this is the worst thing for a trader, lost the advantage. I think that you do not have enough confidence in the vehicle, or the discipline, all this said above. Work on yourself, teach yourself to do the right things. Accumulate experience!
Write adviser on strategy, it is very simple, the problems will be less.
14. Ignorance of the rules of the system. If you develop it yourself, then you can skip this step. If you do it somewhere found on the internet, other, under the bed, then the rules need to write.
Make a separate text document and place it on your desktop, it will be convenient to look.
Even better write all the rules on paper and hang before your eyes if you forget, you still pay attention.
15. Spraying several strategies. Generally it's great for the experienced trader, obtained by diversification strategies, but for the novice extra confusion. Here it is necessary to think and realize that it is better to learn how to trade one strategy and then add new ones. Perhaps you have so much energy that there is no place to put! But this energy would do well to monitor, it is better to spend it on a study of useful materials. Trade is not going anywhere, I advise you to begin to focus on just one TC.
16. The greater the risk. Already we discussed this error in the 2 and 9 points. correction methods are the same.
Testing different methods of capital management.
"Bad" and "good" motivation for this error.
This parsing errors traders feel complete, many of these methods have helped me, I'm sure that if used correctly can help you as well! The main thing - the desire to achieve a result.
At the end of the article to let a few recommendations. Keeping a diary helps to discipline yourself. You can make an ordinary thick notebook in which to record all transactions and emotions, thoughts that you have visited. Believe me, this is important. Alternatively, please create a page on the Internet, which describe their approach and publicly promised to follow them.
Note that most of the errors traders are rooted in psychology. Trading activity is very emotional, and more cold-blooded attitude undoubtedly improves the results. A good reception believe trade minimum lot. This will reduce the psychological pressure, because there are no big profits and losses. I encourage you, many of the errors disappear.
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