Hello dear readers! Today will be a post-instruction, reflection on trading system and personal experiences do not wait! You do not know how to download an archive of quotations for mt4? Then I'll tell you everything in order, step by step. I remember long suffered with this issue for the first time, I will spare readers from such a fate! Let's start!
Basically archival quotes may be required for testing of trading systems, it is a good thing. Download the archive of quotations for the last 10-20 years (for H1) is very simple, with a period value depends on your broker. At more or less well-known companies is less than 10 years old are not met, it will be enough for most competent test systems. For smaller timeframes (it?) Will have to suffer a little. We are talking about currency pairs and XAU / USD, XAG / USD, quite popular instruments.
How to download an archive of quotations for mt4?
Step 1: This is the most important point, many do not know about it, so nothing happens. Open your terminal mt4, enter a username and password (that was the connection). Further, in the upper part of the terminal go to "Tools" and select "Settings", as shown below, or click on the keyboard «Ctrl + O».
How to download an archive of quotations for mt4?
Step 1: This is the most important point, many do not know about it, so nothing happens. Open your terminal mt4, enter a username and password (that was the connection). Further, in the upper part of the terminal go to "Tools" and select "Settings", as shown below, or click on the keyboard «Ctrl + O».
In taking off the Settings window, select the tab "Charts" as in the image below.
A tick in the first lines do not touch, but in the penultimate line with the name of "Max. bars of history "stamped all nines. Initially, this figure has not changed, in your mt4 will not show the full story quotes. This was done in order not to load the program. By stamping the maximum value - you take away this limitation. In the future, this number will change based on the length of the loaded history. Click "OK" and proceed to the next step.
Step 2. Now, again, we go to "Tools" at the top of this terminal, select "History", as shown in the figure below.
Step 2. Now, again, we go to "Tools" at the top of this terminal, select "History", as shown in the figure below.
For an alternative to simply press F2. After pressing the following window pops up:
Step 3. In the box to the left we find the tool that you want to download an archive of quotations, and click on it 2 times the left mouse button. Opens timeframe, as shown in the figure below.
Next Hit twice on the M1 and then "Download" in the picture below is shown in red:
After that start the download archive of quotations. At the end of the boot is sometimes crashes question, "count all timeframes?", Answer it positively and use the fruits of your efforts!
As you can see, everything is very simple. In this case, you will have a minimum 10-year history in the H1. The smaller timeframe, the less will be the period of the history of quotes, and vice versa.
If you want the 10-year history on the M1, that is, for a moment, then read on!
How to download an archive minute quotes for mt4 for 10 years?
Such an archive, you must first download. The terminal can in this case essentially hover, sometimes will restart the computer. But that just will not do in order to achieve the result ?!
You can find the necessary files on the internet by typing in a search engine query like "History" or "the story quotes".
Unzip the file and enter the mt4 terminal. Open the window "History" (shown above in the 2nd step) and safely click on "Import" at the bottom of the window, see picture.
how to download an archive of quotations for mt4
Then open the file selection window, specify the path of the downloaded archive quotes and presses "OK". The figure below.
History Center
After loading close window "Archive of quotations" and enjoy testing systems on the M1. This is required for all types of strategies, even long-term (eg, such as Kaliningrad Advisor). And in some cases, require testing for tick data.
In this guide, this is over, if there are questions - feel free to ask in the comments, I will try to answer.
As you can see, everything is very simple. In this case, you will have a minimum 10-year history in the H1. The smaller timeframe, the less will be the period of the history of quotes, and vice versa.
If you want the 10-year history on the M1, that is, for a moment, then read on!
How to download an archive minute quotes for mt4 for 10 years?
Such an archive, you must first download. The terminal can in this case essentially hover, sometimes will restart the computer. But that just will not do in order to achieve the result ?!
You can find the necessary files on the internet by typing in a search engine query like "History" or "the story quotes".
Unzip the file and enter the mt4 terminal. Open the window "History" (shown above in the 2nd step) and safely click on "Import" at the bottom of the window, see picture.
how to download an archive of quotations for mt4
Then open the file selection window, specify the path of the downloaded archive quotes and presses "OK". The figure below.
History Center
After loading close window "Archive of quotations" and enjoy testing systems on the M1. This is required for all types of strategies, even long-term (eg, such as Kaliningrad Advisor). And in some cases, require testing for tick data.
In this guide, this is over, if there are questions - feel free to ask in the comments, I will try to answer.