Monday, May 4, 2015

How to make money on the PAMM account with the help of a losing strategy?

Good time of day, fellow traders! We will do the impossible to make with the help of a losing strategy! Do not believe me? And in vain! Earn on PAMM accounts and can be so! Need a little to include fantasy and forget about moral principles, because if you decide to use this method, you will know up front in the final draining account. Do not think that I am such a bad nudge people to commit a crime, no! According to this scheme has worked hard, and I only open it a wider audience.

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The ability to earn a PAMM account will appear through the stupidity of the majority of investors who invest in control, if not so rough, the inexperience. We need those investors who do not study the bill to invest or do it poorly. I must say - lack of them will not be! Schedule balance or equity - it's what should we pay attention to the right investor. Come on!

And then we need a system with the use of the Martingale or sittings out, the first is preferable. If you have positive thoughts on this strategy, then read my article, "irrefutable evidence of loss of the principle of the Martingale!". Lack of such systems, as well as investors in the right, no! By the way, I tested one of these systems, what wrote in an article: "Independent test Adviser Ilan 2.0! The results, which no one expected! ". You can use it, or find your own. What merges Advisor does not really matter, the main thing that were profitable long periods, such as six months or more! The bigger, the better.
The same applies to money. Yes, to cash in on the PAMM accounts, even with a losing strategy need money, we need to score it for something open! The more of their own money, the more willing investors to invest in the project. To implement this cunning plan choose InstaForex monitoring, compared with Alpari, he is inferior in functionality, but requires less money to carry out his plan. We need $ 1,000, can be less.
To begin the experiment open PAMM account and will credit 1/10 of all the money, that is $ 100. After that, we turn our advisor (as told to install it in the article: "How to install MT4 Advisor in 6 easy steps on a real example?") And pack suitcases on the sea. Joke! No seas need to sensitively monitor the work of a trading robot! At the same time efforts should be made to draw attention to the PAMM account, actively writing in the topic of the project is online, advertise free ads, and other resources. In a word - PR in all possible ways! The goal - to draw attention of investors. There are two versions of events.
Option 1. Trade goes positive every month adds cherished interest, and raises the schedule of monitoring even higher. Investors are increasingly investing money, as the growing period of the work account. Sub $ 100 do not have to touch it, it is necessary to remove the monthly management fees of investors' money. The longer the work the PAMM account, the more investors can be attracted. The greater the investment, the greater the management fee. If you draw 3 000 $, for a month to earn 10% is realistic, it is $ 300. If you charge a 33% commission, it will be $ 100 net earnings, which will pay for the initial investment. You see how much you can earn if you bring $ 30 000 or 100 000 $, and maybe $ 300,000? It's $ 1000, $ 3333, $ 10 000! This one month and 10% of profits. Examples of such accounts - complete, that is, to attract such funds is quite real! Look at the monitor, as long as the schedule was smooth and without big drawdowns, many martingeylovye systems meet these requirements. If you get into a long period of profitable trading robot, you can find a lot of investors and make good money, taking management fees. Unfortunately, the result is one - using these systems, you will still merge account. But the manager of the PAMM account is not liable, except for the moral ...
Option 2: If you happen drain - do not despair! We still have $ 900 and 9 attempts. The main thing in this situation, immediately open a new account, because after discharge there is a good chance of a profitable long-term period (to test the confidence adviser), which we have and need. As a PR account, only under a different name and with new chips. Just trying to attract investors to recoup their efforts for the management committee. If again there will be loss account and earn again fails, use the third attempt, by opening a new account. 10 attempts should be enough to catch a long period of profitable Expert Advisor.
I think the point is, that in such a dishonest way, you can earn a PAMM accounts.
This method is only for those who recognize that learning is profitable and honestly he could not trade. It is much wiser to trade using proven profitable systems that will not wash away in the end, so you can earn much more money, and stay with a clear conscience. Of course, it is more difficult and takes more time, but the result will satisfy you, and you feel that you have not worked in vain for several years. For these traders advise to read the article: "How to learn to trade forex? Palud topic. "," How to make money on Forex? Stop losing !!! ". They will bring you to the desired goal!