Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Merged deposit! What to do?

Hello, wishing to make exchange trading! On the street the night 1:30 in Ulyanovsk, but I exchanged my dream on this article! Still, I like to stay up late! I will try to help beginners or those who have not obtained profitably and consistently earn trade. Fasting can help those who poured deposit. This step by step guide your actions at the most common causes of drain! Hopefully, after reading this material, you will not lose!

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You merged deposit. The first thing to do is to understand and realize that drained all! According to statistics, 997 people in 1000 to lose their first deposit. All of this is fixable, almost all through this pass. A further result is up to you: someone will correct errors and will achieve their own, someone will spit and throw. I advise you to read the article "How to become a successful trader with a probability of 99%?", Just on the topic! If you found this post on the Internet, then you have the desire to understand the causes and fix them! This is great!

Draining the deposit - a great emotional distress to the person. Especially if the money was great, or just meant a lot to the trader. In order to practice stock trading need a cool head, an adequate view of things. Therefore, to this stress had no effect on what is going to completely forget about the loss of money - relax! Just do not engage in trade 2 weeks or a month. In general, do not trade, even at the charts do not look and do not read the financial news! All this is not going anywhere, but the rest, you'll be able to look at all this with fresh eyes. This point is very important! If you can not do it, it does not make sense to read further. Put the money into the account and lose them again. If you are able to perform - go on!
Nothing happens just like that, for everything there is a reason. If you have merged a deposit, it means that you do not like it should. Your task after the holiday - to find and understand these reasons. The next step - to work on themselves and fix these weaknesses. Everything is simple. Everything is real. Each pro merged deposit, but he could change himself, change the trade and become a successful trader. It is the strength and you, everyone's strength!
If you were to trade magazine, your first task is greatly simplified! Learn about the causes can be understood in the records. Look what you did not want? Or, maybe, not doing at all. If you were a magazine and carefully recorded every action, now, this information will help you very much! It will help to correct your mistakes. If the magazine does not, then ASSUME Steytment and are good at it! It is complicated and not very user-friendly. What mistakes to look for?
Most traders merges deposit due to several common errors. I will highlight the three most important:
The lack of systemic;
The absence of a competent money management;
Now Let us examine these factors in more detail.
The lack of systematic. If you are trading intuitive, it will not be a mistake. I am a system trader, and consider trading system on this blog. If you trade systematically, but something does not work, then read this article: "Why does not the system trading brings income", will be useful! You need to make sure that your TC profitable, stable, and not testing for a month, and for a long period in which were crises, break-even periods, the test should include a large number of transactions. The only way you can be sure your TS! Only in this way it will not fail you! You can automate - please, can not - test your hand (as I did, do not worry). Test the different instruments. You need to know everything about your system !!! Without exception! Conduct tests, for example, since 2000. Find out the maximum drawdown for this period, the percentage of profitable and unprofitable transactions, see the annual profit, in what turned out to earn more periods, etc. Complicated? Of course! But just so you can be sure of its TC, if you do not want to drain the deposit, then become a pro! Take your time until you have spent all your money!
The absence of a competent money management. One of the most frequent causes of the deposit drain! Excessive risks as a consequence of the desire to quickly and easily earn admit virtually all new traders. How not to do this, read my article, "Learn what should be the size of the position!". You can also use an unprofitable way of capital management, see "money management" section may find useful. If, in general, you need to calculate everything in advance, all that you can! After testing your system, you need to find a competent MM suitable for you. Experiment with the risk in the transaction (no more than 5%, and for the trend of no more than 2%), see how the drawdown with different methods of money management, how the income, equity schedule, all this should be considered !!! Every little thing! Even a change in costs in different ways MM, everything! If you understand that they have lost money due to excessive risks, then fix your mistakes!
Psychology. Sometimes a situation where the system - profitable checked when a competent money management, everything is counted, you know how to trade, you know how to make money, BUT (!!!) you do not earn ... What to do? The reason is your psychology. If you know how to do, but to do otherwise - will have to change yourself. You need to teach your brain to think like a successful trader, you must learn to do the right thing. Read the psychological literature, think in these categories. That exchange of subjects, it is full on the Internet. Nurture your will, consciously try to approach any emotional situation, absolutely any, watch your emotions, even in the toilet! Stop smoking, stop drinking, even at the weekend! All this undermines your nervous system, and you need it healthy and strong! You need a hard look! Prove to yourself that you are capable of anything! Just do what you do is difficult. If you have tested the vehicle, which you can trust, verified MM, then get the advantage over the market, realize that sooner or later you will earn money. And you start to earn! Once again, I advise you to read the articles that mentioned above, there are a lot of useful information.
These were the three main reasons for draining the deposit!
On average, to learn how trading takes several years. So have patience and step by step improve your trading. Look for errors and fix them, do not re. The main effort, perseverance, then everything will turn out! And the fact that you have merged the deposit does not mean anything, the result is important - you will become a successful trader or not, depends on you!
I considered 3 main reasons for the deposit drain, I hope this post to someone can benefit! I'll call it a day! With you was a private trader, I invite you to subscribe to updates by e-mail in the form below, it is very convenient to stay informed about new articles as soon as they were written. Or add in social networks, where I was able to announce the posts. I wish you always move forward! Bye!