Monday, May 4, 2015

Should we talk about your trade in the Forex market?

In the life of a trader, there are three basic things: the trader, the market and its environment. In this article I want to talk about how to build a relationship between you (the trader) and your okruzheniem.Nuzhno whether to tell others that you are trading on the stock exchange? When this is best done? As in this case, to position itself correctly? How people will relate to your successes and failures?


The topic is actually quite important, but there are not particularly affected. It is important because, if you think over it in advance, you can avoid a number of unpleasant situations in the future. But let's order.
I believe that the development of the currency market - this is the way that is required to pass through, at 100%. If you pass it, even 95%, then your yield will resemble a roller coaster. These missing 5% definitely will affect your results. Maybe not every month, but it will affect. It's like a little piece missing in a big mechanism, which eventually gave way the whole mechanism, causing it to act up and unexpectedly break. Therefore, starting to study the market, get ready to go to the end. "Until the end" - it is my understanding, access to stable positive performance that, as deposit growth, has become a serious amount.
Whether you like it or not, but people on the successes and failures of other people react similarly. When a person is bad and rolled already life is below average - most of his sincere regret. When things are going uphill - for it truly rejoice. But when he dramatically "raised", and even "through the roof", they begin to have any envy or hate silently.
It came up, I do not - so how our society. When a person starts to earn "grown-up" of the specific amounts are not taken to spread even among close relatives. Therefore, be prepared that you will sooner or later begin to earn decently. Think in advance about what you will be envied. And think about whether you need it?


It's not that people are "bad" or "good". Just so arranged the human psyche. When the man who was yesterday at his environment, dramatically pulled forward, the people around him begin to experience the psychological discomfort. Later, a man accustomed to the environment or to the fact that up to Washi, who was still on his shoulder yesterday, today will not even get skipped, or gradually replaced by a new one.
Personally, I have a couple friends of traders - all known owners of the PAMM-accounts. While the amount of funds in the management was just great, they did not hesitate to attract new investors through their pages on social networks. But when the size of the funds and, consequently, income has become obscenely large, all references to suschestvanii PAMM-trader but also activities were completely removed. I discovered was not interested, but in general it should be clear why.
So I marked the ending, but let's get down to earth and think about how best to behave in a novice who is just beginning to develop the market. Someone will say: "And what is there to think about? So far, there are no results - do not tell anyone anything. And when they arrive, and then we can boast of! "
But not all so simple. The funny thing here is that "boast" will want. Are you sure someone will say, write, someone share. And on the first earned money you can tell! It is 100%! To hold here impossible.
And then will be setbacks. It is also 100%. And those to whom you tell, ask, how are you doing there? And you at that time will be a drawdown or even a fusion deposit. And it will be unpleasant. It is also 100%. And all we've been through.


What to do in this situation? The options are exactly two.
1. not to tell anyone. This option is the right, but obviously impracticable and unrealistic. I have already explained why.
2. To tell only those who accept this information adequately. Adequately respond to your fortune or defeat. There will put a spoke in the wheel.
A separate sub-clause is the situation with the household. Those with whom you live (parents / girlfriend / wife), will inevitably notice your new hobby. I advise initially to treat Forex trading as a hobby. And in a similar way to position it for your environment if it is ardently interested. "Someone serials hours watching someone on-line games to level 80 is pumped, and I'm here with the schedules potter." So you need to explain themselves and loved ones. You can not go "a bit lacking to paycheck, I'll Single Forex" market with the arguments. It's just a hobby that will initially only take and give nothing in return.
And more about the environment. Among the traders surveyed on how their friends belong to Forex. The vast majority responded that they consider it a fraud, pyramid, divorce, etc. People believe in trading on the stock exchange only in those cases where the trader has actually pulls the money from the market when already believe is easier than not to believe. At the same best surround believe that there is only earn the most intelligent, talented and capable. But I assure you that such people in their eyes, you do not belong.


And now the most important idea for which I decided to write this article, paying attention to her blog readers. In your career as a trader necessarily those moments when will want to quit. Be sure there are serious doubts on the topic "Is all this necessary?". And you have to deal with these doubts. And the more people will know that you are trading on the stock exchange, the greater will be "additional" question. As a result, you will have to contend not only with their doubts, but the doubts of others.
Therefore, before you devote to your new hobby of friends, acquaintances and neighbors, again, think carefully over, and whether you have it all. Following paragraph two, tell only those people who will support you, but not to interfere. Carefully selected these people.
Trading - is a long painstaking work. Quick results will instantly impress others will not work. But others do not hesitate to you a hint that you are engaged in some kind of nonsense, because nowadays all have everything at once, here and now. So wait a little to talk about the potential profits, opportunities and your plans on the market. Experience shows that it is better not to load are not versed in the people of excess information.