Monday, May 11, 2015

The best record in financial blogs!

Hello. The next evening I spend at the computer screen, today I walked across the expanses of the Internet, and now all the utility collected for you in one article. I think it will be much easier to find the information you need in one place. Of course, I can not read all the interesting publication, but something mastered. And to be honest: some materials just intriguing, they can not miss!

Лучшие записи в финансовых блогах! Выпуск 1.

But the first news on the blog of a new "free consultation" section, you can ask a question that can not find an answer or find other things that interest you.

Now to the subject of the article. I'm doing a review for the first time, and start blogging. All that I share with you - the fruits of creative human beings, personally, I was very pleased to read, the authors thank you! Location of the list is determined solely prioritization reading.
8 of the best positions in financial blogs in my opinion!
1. trend tracking systems in psychological terms.
I found this blog in the ranking, I liked the article immediately caught the name. I myself have been trading for a trend system, there are such prolonged drawdown that the load on the psyche there every minute. In a post clearly shows how in practice passes trend trading, not many novice traders are ready for such a development. There are periods of no profit in a year, or even two! All system traders recommend to perusal.
2. Another argument in favor of international diversification.
Probably it has a greater interest to investors, but not for active traders, but I liked the article! Including interesting facts, which I did not know. For example, the existence of the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange before the revolution! (The figure shows a comparison of investments New York Stock Exchange from 1865 to 1917) are considered tentative indicators of return on investment over a long period of time.
3. Rake, which occur.
The author considers the mistakes most novice traders that lead to loss of money. I believe that such articles are useful to all trading, helping to look at ourselves and more adequately assess. In addition, a good motivational factor for personal development and improvement of their trade. About the material: completely agree, I remember that with me it was so!
4. The calculation of the investor.
Simple and easy to understand about difficult things. Special imprint left last paragraph, quote:
A lot or a little, when 20-25% of the average yield for 10 years? It turns 1 million rubles for 10 years at 8 million rubles. And for 20 years - in the 60-70 million. This small, but someone and that's enough ... But the most curious (and pleasant), that is the natural rate of return on our stock market in the current economic environment. And the natural landmark for the investor over.
These results are possible thanks to compound interest rates (not counting, but if someone does, put in the comments).
5. Forex Advisors. Part 2: Quality criteria for automated trading systems.
It's just a useful material. I know that many are trying to find a profitable Expert Advisor (think it is better to learn how to trade), often inexperienced become unverified, and then suffer! The article describes methods to help distinguish between low-quality trading robot, and save your money.
6. How to verify the authenticity of the monitoring Myfxbook?
Similarly to the above - useful material for monitoring assessment. Cheaters - sea, so their tricks all the time someone comes. How to protect yourself read the article, I recommend. By the way, many other useful blog entries.
7. Good luck and consistency in trading.
In most cases, the person does not have full information, so always cautious attitude towards assessing the results. A trader who trades on your eyes profitably may lose money, and vice versa! Year two is no time limit for the evaluation of the trader. I do not agree with the conclusions in the completion, but for clarity thanks!
8. Million Dollar Traders [Episode 1, Part 1].
And this is the most interesting, in my opinion, left to read the post to the end. Video, past which could not pass. In the video the first part of the movie Air Force on British trader Lex Van Damme, who took 8 people for training exchange trading from scratch (allocated $ 1 million). Reminds Experiment Richard Dennis (turtles), but in our time. A more detailed description read in the article, and the first part of the film spread here.