Friday, June 12, 2015

The official Forex website. Do you know him?

Hello! For starters, in any case there is a sea of questions (to help beginners in forex). Not always these questions are valid, that is, representation may diverge from reality. What to do, is ... The question of the official Forex website is just out of this category.

официальный форекс сайт

For the past 2 years I am this blog, I learned a lot of useful services on the Internet, one of them Yandeks.vordstat. With it you can learn phrases that people are gaining in search engine Yandex. It was he who prompted me to disassemble this topic! It so happened that happened to notice request "official Forex website" what was my surprise! As it turned out, it recruited about 6,700 people a month! Can you imagine?

Many people think that there is an official website for forex, then there is something like a company that provides its services via the Internet. Therefore, many are trying to find her. Such an idea is fundamentally not true.
Why do I make out the subject? It would seem that beginners - whether there are enough questions arise, and to search the Internet the necessary information. That may be true, but the Internet in this case does not help! Look at the answers to this request in the present issue.
For example, in the followingпишут:
Definition of "Forex official website of" partially disclosed in the article "Forex Site". But there is another point of view, when it is alleged that the official site is not the site of the broker, providing the opportunity to open an account, which provides the PAMM-investment, etc., and the site of a major bank, which, in fact, gives quotations smaller broker - our DC.
About where to find the official website of the Forex:
As a rule, the broker does not conceal this information, it makes no sense to hide it. Data on "maternal" the broker can be found in the contacts or FAQ (FAQ) site. Following the link, most likely, you will see the site in English. Since the online translators has not been canceled, it should not create problems to the seeker of knowledge to the future customers of the broker.
Cool response, right? It seems that Klitschko wrote!
official Forex website
The same question was asked in the service responses from, keep the link: http: // According to one version it, for another foreks.kom on the third general! That is, advertising brokers with a similar name.
Extradition Yandex present the Wikipedia, the information which may be considered useful, all the rest - brokers, in this context, useless.
In general, normal information on this subject no. But beginners are in error, becoming farther from the real information. And any true creates a lot of problems, permeates your brain, and it is very difficult to deduce not know why this is happening ...
So what can be considered as the official website of forex?

NO! Forex - is the interbank market, that is a system that allows you to make currency transactions between the banks themselves (see: What is Forex?). In Forex, in principle, may not be the official site, as it is not the government, not the company. You see?
The official website can be a broker that provides access to this market. But the broker (example) is only an intermediary that connects a client (trader) and a trading system.
Of course, there are many nuances, not all brokers Traders output on the interbank market, forex brokers work as a "kitchen", etc. But that's a topic for another article, beginners would be enough for this information, has developed to a proper understanding.
official Forex website
So, let's sum up. Official site in forex is not, and it can not be. Forex - is the interbank market, access to which can be accessed using a broker (the company - intermediary). Incidentally, the brokers website you can usually find a lot of necessary information for trade: a calendar of events, the start of trading and the end of the terms of trade (Commission, leverage).
I can advise to check all the information that you get is better to spend more time, but be sure that you are not mistaken!
That's all, I hope the article was useful to you! See you!