Monday, September 14, 2015

Forex Strategy ZL

Forex ZL strategy is designed for the currency pair EUR USD (H1), although the possible trade and other intervals of the same currency pair (M30, M15), trade is conducted with the help of indicator forex signals ZigZag and additional conditions forex trading strategy, reports on the work of forex advisor see the end of the description of the same forex trading system

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    First of all, on the chart EURUSD (H1) set the indicator ZigZag with parameters 15-0-3.

    Terms of trade forex strategy ZL:

    We find in the chart of the currency pair EURUSD extended price movement up or down to determine the levels of which we enter into the transaction - on the chart brown line (level installation orders for transactions).

    Provision for the "upper" (for an uptrend)

    1) find the chart three consecutive peaks and rising zigzag, if from the top 1 to top 3, a distance of 90 or more points

    2) if the conditions of the 1st paragraph is satisfied, then we wait for the formation of even a single vertex and check the following condition: if the difference between the last two (the newest on the chart) vertices (ie, the graph peak of 3 and 4) no more than 40 points, it is possible draw a horizontal level across the top 3

    3) if the vertex is below 4 3rd and the difference between the second and third is not more than 40 points then draw a level across the top 4.

    Conditions for setting the "lower" level (for downtrend)

    1) find the chart three consecutive lowering the minimum zigzag, if from the top 1 to top 3, a distance of 90 or more points

    2) if the conditions of the 1st paragraph is satisfied, then we wait for the formation of another minimum and check the following condition: if the difference between the last two (the newest on the graph) At least 40 points it is possible to draw a horizontal level by at least 3

    3) if there is at least 4 ABOVE 3 and the difference between the second and third peaks is not more than 40 points then draw a level by at least 4

    Terms & Conditions of forex strategy ZL:

    1) And so, we get the graph 2 levels:

    - One of the downward movement

    - The second on the upward movement

    2) levels are working until the new levels on the chart.

    If there is a new level of trend upwards - erase the old and the new work as well for the level of the down trend. There are always two are independent of each other level, and are working on both.

    3) now that there are levels to work, exhibit orders buy limit and / or sell limit, depending on which side of the level is a price sleduyuschimiparametrami orders:

    - For orders buy limit - 160 points profit the stop 50 points

    - For a sell limit orders - a profit of 100 points stop 50 points

    4) on the same level of work in both directions:

    - If the price between the two levels of the set limit buy-and sell-limit,

    - If the price is above the two levels set two buy-limit

    - If the price is below the two levels of two sell-set limit.