Friday, January 15, 2016

forex "Butterfly Effect" Strategy

forex "Butterfly Effect" strategy - actually is a harmonic price patterns, which works well enough, and the forex market (in any currency pair and any time frames, but the higher it is, the better); osnovnoeotlichie harmonic price patterns from normal patterns (including patterns forex) - is a clear model with certain mathematical relationships between themselves Fibonacci points of this model.

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Harmonic price patterns, there are several, but today we look at one of the most common of them - the "Butterfly Pattern" (buy - bullish and bearish for sale).

This strategy, you most likely have repeatedly met on the Internet, but a detailed description on the entry into the market, as well as how to still work with this model explains none. Today I will try to fill this gap and I just explain why, in this model it is necessary to pay more attention.

Gartley Model "Butterfly" - is a very good model and usually give a fairly good entry point into the market (something this model can be confused spatternom Flag), but it has its own laws and more in market entry conditions.