The survey was conducted among a live audience of the site (it was placed in one of the forecasts EURUSD this site) and as a result of the 1st week of the following data were obtained:
About 30% of voters traders steadily continue to lose money in the forex on real accounts: Cent or Standard (fastest way is just beginning traders who came to the forex recently and want a quick profit, not even proydyanachalnoe training) ...
more than 21% of the respondents traded near zero! That is, in the + in the negative, but the overall balance of the deposit - zero (I think this figure is already a stable result with the prospect of earnings)
26% earn forex stable (!!!) (for more than 6-12 months) and profit from "about 10% per month" to "more than 100% per month", which personally I think is very, very good the result !!! And this fact is also a proof of the fact that the forex traders are not just all sit and steadily lose their income, but also earn, and on a regular basis!
Well, 23% are trading on demo accounts (fastest only learn about the forex market) or accidentally hit on this very important, in my opinion survey.
Here he poll:
Voted certainly not all (because the general audience of the site - about 10,000 subscribers on all mailing lists and about 3000 visitors a day), but rather of all those who consistently looks predictions site, watching them and did not hesitate to add your vote. The total number of votes - about 300 active readers, for which I am very grateful to them, as a reverse feedback is very important!
And now the actual survey itself. Though probably more logical would be to stop it, but we'll see what will happen next (when the audience is not the main - the audience of this site, but has come from the Internet)!
And if you also want to participate, vote and can make an explanation in the comments (In what way you are trading and etc.):
Questioning "I earn on forex on average (over the past 6-12 months)" continues, Voters:
I earn on forex on average (over the past 6-12 months):
more than 100% per month
about 10%
near zero
Steadily losing money
I do not trade just learning to demo
I happened on this site ...
In the next article in this same section, I will publish the following survey (more interesting) - "who earn forex interviewed audience"?
do not miss this poll, a link to it will appear after the appearance of the results of a week of voting and a link to it will be published here.