All actions of this strategy make to close the specified trading day!
- Inside trading day does not need to do anything.
- Opening and closing the trade position is only pending orders.
- Signal line strategy - eksponentsilnaya average with a period of 3 and a shift forward (in the future) - 3.
- body candles exponential average Crossing - put the pending orders to buy H + n 5 (if the candle closed as a rising), or for sale L -5 n (if the candle closed as a top-down)..
- Touching the lower shadow candle moving average - a pending order is placed for the purchase of H + 5 para.
- Touching the upper shadow candle moving average - a pending order is placed for sale L -5 p.
- Pending orders are canceled only when a signal on the chart opposite.
- We transfer order, if there is a signal in the same direction (buy or sell), but a better (higher when selling or buying at below).
- After opening a trading position stop loss is placed on the opposite end of the candle -. (+) 5 n then the stop-loss or transferred to the "zero" (breakeven), or rearranged closer to at least the last two closed candles at purchase or a maximum of the last two closed candles the sale. This should be done on every new candle is closed before closing the trading position.
- When trading position is open to new signals do not respond and do not open additional positions. (Opening position on each trading signal, when already open trade positions, quite tempting, but this option has not been studied B. Barishpolts).
And a few more rules for "Break the middle" strategy:
1. Stop loss upward never transferred.
2. The order must be placed only at the break of the exponential average of the candle body. That is: the rising candle set a buy order on its masimum when descending set aside an order to a minimum.
3. If after the conclusion of the transaction, the position can not tuck into the black, and two candles following the opening of the candle end worse than the price at the opening position, set the take 5 p.
4. If the position is closed bezubytka or take-profit, the next candle does not touch the exponential average but goes in the same direction (above or below the previous 3 candles) - set aside an order to its end in the direction of movement (closing).
5. If the spark plug rests in the middle with a strong slope, it crosses only the tail and the body has not been able to cross, and it is obvious that the next candle will start for the middle - you need to place an order on the tail of the line of candles for exp. average.
6. Closer than 10 n. Do not need to put on the end of the trading day breakeven.
In this trading strategy it developed mechanical trading strategy using the Average of Breakout advisor enLight® , which is 100% of the author repeats this strategy.
With a detailed description of "Break the middle" strategy Victor Barishpolts with graphic examples you will find on the website of the company-developer of forex advisor -ENLIGHT Trading Solutions' , in the section " Strategy 2 "!