Thursday, April 30, 2015

If you want to succeed in forex? And he does not want you!

Hello, dear readers! For you never thought would come, why some still turns, while others can not even spread butter on bread? Of course, you can blame on bad genes, lack of opportunities, environmental unfriendly or even blame all the people around them. But it seems to me that is not the case, I try to show this on personal experience.

успех на форекс

Naturally, we are not talking about people who do not do anything. To achieve something, you need to somehow move! It's about how to, in particular, on how to approach success in forex trading. Why would someone spends all day in the screen testing strategy, fully focused on the trade, and as a result no results? It happens, and in this mode, you can spend the whole year! Conversely, with trading 2 hours after the main operation, profit like the sky is falling down!

Earlier, I professed the first approach, the sole purpose of making trading, except that I was not interested in anything, throwing all available resources to achieve the result (money, time, energy, emotions). Perhaps it was boyish, which takes place over time, but now my opinion has changed! Now I think there is a more effective approach.
At the moment, I'm doing several directions at the same time developing in different areas. At first it was difficult to "switch", but this method has a greater capacity and increases efficiency. I am sure that if he succeeded initially, then learn to trade much earlier! Why? More about this later.
The constant desire to develop in several areas leading to the success of the system in the whole, even if the main goal - trading, I am convinced that the way to the main goal will be reached quickly. In the end, is constantly engaged in something one just boring ...
Why do various activities leading to the success of the system in all?


Planning for the day. If you are working, studying psychology, go on a fishing trip with his wife to the shops and pick up your children from the kindergarten, that without careful planning cases you simply roll up. You will move as amorphous robot without a hint of enthusiasm! What can we say about a bad mood ...

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Planning puts everything on the shelves, you know in advance what to do, so there is no panic. Planning provides clear instructions in your brain, and during the day it can focus on to solve problems rather than thinking how to fish with a backpack quietly take the child from the garden! I am sure if the person will be a lot of things, he will perforce come to planning.
Suppose you can not devote the entire day trade, but a couple of hours allotted to study the markets, you will spend more efficiently, will appreciate every minute, and will not be a sit in contact, TC (important for beginners) instead of testing.
For several years I am a notebook in which to write the next case. I confess that I'm not always write, but the most important thing to do, I bring the list constantly, it allows you to not forget what happened.
So I used to record everything that can not imagine my life differently! I noticed that the most effective spend days after the preparation of the plan, without laziness overcomes immediately any excuses arise and similar nonsense.
In general, if the horizon a lot of cases, that there is a need in the planning, which in turn causes more effectively treat conduction time and improves the efficiency of the results in all areas!
2. Now I read a book on child psychology, its authors claim that it is very important from an early age to know the feeling of success, self-confidence. According to one version of this can be achieved, "deceiving the child," that is to suggest to him that it is well done, even when in fact he had not done. For example, he played bad football, and you tell him: "Cool, you're a great player!" Calculated that a child will be formed internally opinion, which would allow to be confident in the future and do not give up in difficult moments.

чтение приближает успех на форекс

According to another version it is not necessary to lie to a child, more productive to help him find a way out of this situation, suggest how to solve the problem. For example, in addition to practice, work strikes, etc. Such a method to teach a person from an early age to look for ways to overcome the difficulties that will lead to success in the future, that is, he learn to look for solutions.
Despite the different versions, the authors agree on one thing - to learn to overcome the difficulty, do not give up, to find solutions, it will be able to apply this experience throughout their lives in their endeavors! It is very important (for trading, too)!
Herein lies another advantage of the activities in several areas. Able to deal with the problems at work, ok, this is going to end in your head. Able to meet with a girl that you like for 3 years, great! Could win regional competitions - fun - become stronger.
All the successes "will remain in your subconscious" and will lead to new! For example, that something does not work when testing the vehicle, but you will not give up and whining, you will look for solutions to try different options, and sooner or later get what you want!
3. Various activities makes it possible to look at problems from a "different perspective." And it is so important! The brain uses the information that you give him. If all the time to sell, read books on trading and attend webinars, you can get into a vicious circle where your development stop at one point.
The brain works very differently when in the morning trading, then the main work, then practice, some business and evening trading again. There is no getting used to the same type of activity, any task is something new for you!

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In the literature frequent "do not sell" recommendations, to take a vacation for a month, for example. This is valid, your head for a moment stop to think in the same categories, "switch". And the old problem that seemed unsolvable, will be simple. So why bring up such?
Of course, all of the above is my personal opinion and the undeniable truth is not intended. If you think otherwise, I will be glad meaningful comments.
I have a couple of examples to prove the theory.
Activities that help develop success on Forex.


Sport. This is the third year 3 times a week, like clockwork, stomp to the gym. What is the connection with trading? The inner attitude has a significant effect on athletic performance, you can do on the floor strength, and can be a great desire!

To maintain the motivation needed to work with the psychology, to deal with his laziness, follow the emotions, thoughts, words, do not waste energy in vain. It does not like? Yes, in the same way and in trading!
Sport brings willpower that will bring bonuses to trade. For example, when you are in the "psychological tone" follow the system much easier.
2. Reading. It stimulates the imagination and gives new information to the brain, stimulates build a personal opinion about the events read.
I have a lot to think better and solve problems when I read periodically. With the use of the books, I think, nobody will argue (read?).

блог о форекс

3. Friends, communication. Used to think that the more time I devote to trade, the better my results. Now I think differently.
Simple communication brings positive emotions, which are so important, especially in difficult times (eg subsidence). Do not limit yourself in this, otherwise accumulated stress, anger and anxiety. And they, as you know, good results do not result in trading.
4. Blog. Its site - it's great.
First, the causes to grow, learn to write articles, to engage in optimization, promotion.
Secondly, it allows you to structure your own thoughts. Often, there is knowledge, common understanding of the issue, but something was missing. Article helps to decompose everything in its place, to the same readers will benefit.
Thirdly, the additional income. Do not place all hope only on trade, we need to diversify! What happens if the forex market is deemed illegal in Russia, which will change if the global financial system and foreign exchange trading will, in principle, do not need or you just climb in the drawdown of the whole year? The probability of this is small, but to err is!
In addition, the active life you'll be more likely to happen on the sun and fresh air that will benefit your health!
In general, I am campaigning for a variety of activities! It develops you in several ways, taught to cope with difficulties, and as a result, this approach will be more effective in achieving success in the forex!
That's all, thank you for your attention!