Thursday, April 30, 2015

Reflections on the theme of pyrotechnic

Is not that so, comrades, symbol of fire as the all-consuming enthusiasm than ever, accompanied by a man with a young age. Where fire - no place for stagnation, sluggishness and boredom.
Fire - it's always a break, speed, power, passion, full commitment! Our teachers have always taught us that only these qualities will achieve success in the selected case, to achieve the recognition it deserved to become recognized leaders.

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But life, as we know, is multifaceted. And the fact that in some professions contributes to astronomical progress, in others leads to suicide by hara-kiri.

It is not difficult to guess that we will focus on further trading. Tell me, my friends, were among us those who at first did not burn, like a fuse? The question is rhetorical. For beginners it seems that is about to explode - and scatter castles with treasure chests of Ali Baba. But the years went by, and for the many contenders for wealth, nothing has changed. Chests are all the same, except that the locks on them pretty pokurocheny ... open an already complicated. And what about the "inner fire"?
The question, of course, interesting. Most hot enough. They drilled clock inflamed eyes of the monitor waiting for the signal. As the wait (finally, chip on my shoulder) - clicked with the mouse and with a sense of (almost conjugal) debt briefly recline on the couch. Briefly - because their catapult throws up the shimmering red window in the terminal. And the breath, sweat and spin, and grow cold feet, and the moment of activation loss means the end of the painful birth, resulting in a geyser sees the light of the latest superotlichnaya system! And how! After all, it is for it for the last three days it would be possible to cut that amount of money! Five times more than in the same period lost on an old, worthless TC!

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It is clear that this is only one of the stories of illness, taken at random from a thick stack. And if you look on the run there appear diagnoses, identify one common: emotional hyperthermia.
This is it - the inner flame samopozhirayuschee ...
"Copts others - burning himself ..."
Piece of hellfire hurry to fill their destiny ...
How many times told the world - traders are unable to cope with their own emotions. Because of this, they do not comply with the provisions of its own trading systems, violate MM admit impulsive inputs into the market (other error).
But in fairness I must say that there is a galaxy of successful traders. These are the people who have managed to achieve that inner fire is not burned, just anywhere, but only in strictly designated areas. After all, the uncontrolled fire in the forest - it's trouble, but limited reliable stove - good.
So where are the lights should be lit SMALL from this trader?
I venture to suggest the following localization:
1. In the head. Here, self-discipline (timely control of the market). Current analysis (matching labor TS changing situation, making adjustments to it). Self-education, browsing in the internet specialized resources.

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2. In the area of ​​the solar plexus. This refers to the area in which there are certain somatic sensations with full mental and physical comfort. If there is "that something is not right", periodically there is a certain anxiety ( "whining," "sucks" or something else) - pay attention to understand. Maybe yours, even a very successful trading violate the ecological balance in yourself or in your family. Maybe you need to review the vehicle, in order to trade less often. Or stop to get up at night. Or eliminate the need to include a laptop when you're driving. Or something else, a lot of variants.
3. In the hands. This control over the clarity of fine movements. It is no secret that the devastating giperprosadkam often leads sheer nonsense. Man accidentally opened the wrong lot, not on the tool, not on the bill ... Wrong, I hesitate to close a sudden loss stupid - and flew the soul to heaven. So before you click - a few seconds checking can not hurt.
4. feet. Means - not to fly into the sky, not to break away from reality, do not lose touch with the ground. This is especially true at the time of giperprofita. Oh, how painful it is then, if you do not take a timely break in trading. These situations can (and should) to register in the vehicle. For example: "I stop trading if the current week (day, month) received a certain profit".
5. (how to put it mildly) mezhyagodichnoy skladki.Koroche area where the "bench-press". It should play whenever the inner serpent will whisper: "Doleysya more, because the super-signalchik" You must first of all immediately feel how heavy is your loss in case of failure. And how ugly you will feel then because of your breach of the adopted rules.

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Perhaps enough. If these 5 lights will be evenly lit, where it is necessary (to replace the murderous fire of the whole body) - the probability of a successful career trader increased significantly. So you can take and make a mental exercise, if desired: Take a comfortable position ... relax ... close your eyes ... Look at your mind's eye your body from the outside ... and inside ... Thank your body for what it works well ... for being obedient to you ... Note that in the head, the solar plexus, pelvis, hands and feet have small tёplenkie areas ... Do not rush ... When you feel these zones, thank your subconscious mind for what it is you understand that it is good to do the job ... Tell your subconscious mind that heat in these areas you will celebrate sometimes ... Almost all the time you are going to live their normal lives, without even thinking, he feels your body in one time or another ... but sometimes, spontaneously, in these places for a few seconds, you will have to appear pleasant warmth ... and you know what it means ... thank your subconscious mind for cooperation ... and back to reality with a sense of calm and balance.