And so, how do you think what is Forex - Freebie or Scam?
Why question is that? Yes, because this is the main opinion of all others who have somehow come across a forex market or that view their friends facing forex and has put a stigma for them in this financial market.
1st opinion:
FOREX - is unique Freebies!
A typical case:
You come at any DC and show you (in a deal 2 sides) and tell how easy it is to trade and make a profit on forex and all you need - just to know the direction where its sign (!!!) and a deposit (which is silent) without which of course does not get traded.
But only this direction - try to guess!
Or are you just saw a huge number of advertising on television, big boards and etc. and decided, why not? They say it's cool - to be a trader, "white collar" - can be said elite. Around unemployment, and then you own a business, no bosses. All you need - take their 10 points (for a 4-day mark) 1 lot and have $ 100 a day! A month already $ 2000 - and you can not work - cool !!!
So she freebie ...
Or even if you have no money - no problem! DC you will find the investor that will allow you to trade his money, and you will receive 30% of the profits - is not a freebie? And only need to take a course and start trading.
In fact, as sometimes happens, but occasionally, mostly DC just interested in you as a trader who pays for training, which is a potential client, opening a trading account, and they will receive with your transactions committee and all would not that if this is an honest DC, rather than trying to assign your money in any way (which can sometimes be found) ... and the investor, will be - you're in luck, no - you will likely discover yourself through as you are "sure that everything you know" and forex you subservient.
And a lot of this and peck, pecked and so I ...
2nd opinion:
FOREX - is a Scam / divorce!
Forex - Freebie or Scam?
This is the opinion of those who waited for that forex freebie, but obzhehsya ... Or is it not his own opinion, but the opinion of friends and relatives of those who lost money when trading in this financial market, and of course everyone says - that there are deceiving and do anything to take away your money.
This is a very popular belief, we have wherever you are lost (even if the fault of his own) - is a scam!
And now, in fact, the reality is:
In fact, neither the 1st or 2nd opinion on forex is not true!
I agree that there can sometimes be and not having the knowledge to make a deal and get a profit, and more than once.
I agree that this is not an easy market in which the money is rowing with a shovel and all their just handed out.
But it is possible that some unscrupulous forex DC cheat occasionally beginners.
But mostly: Forex - a market that simply takes means a newcomer to their own weaknesses!
That is why, before you come to forex trading, you do not just watch the commercials and to "take the noodles on the ears" and try to sensibly evaluate the whole of reality.
Namely, answer the questions for themselves:
1. Why, when everything is so simple, as they say in advertising, you do not see around large of number of successful traders? And indeed why not all about the rich, and even vice versa?
2. The more you risk, and most importantly what you are willing to take the risk, if you really want to become a trader? Find out what risks await you!
3. Are you aware that in each case, the business class has its pitfalls?
4. Are you ready to overcome all these obstacles?
5. If the financial activities and it is possible to become a rich man (provided, millionaire etc), do you not think that in order to become one, you need a lot to learn ???
6. What do you want from forex trading - a quick profit or secure future (though perhaps not immediately)?
If you are faced with the opinion that Forex - scam, then:
7. Ask them the same questions, and most importantly find out if the trader tried, lost a little money to learn the trade ???
8. Does he think it is a little bit guilty or blame themselves all around (the broker, without electricity, internet, someone posovetyval etc), and it is not?
9. Why scam entire huge structure called Forex, rather than the perpetrator himself?
I think you understood my hint and now I want to give an objective assessment of the forex market, the assessment of a trader who has gone from novice, lost money and did not know how to do to make money in this market, to the experienced trader, who makes profit on forex for many years.
So Forex - is:
1) First of all, a business and you need to treat it that way. There are no bosses in the form of rent costs, delivery and etc., but there you are your own boss and only you can handle with your ego and depends on whether you are successful or not.
Forex - hard work!
2) Trading on Forex, this activity, which necessarily nuzhnoUChITSYa and practice! Without an understanding of what's going on, it's not something to do. You can 1-2-10 times profit, but ultimately can lose everything that you have on your trading account without trading system.
3) One of the financial markets on which everyone can come in and test their strength, understand this activity suits him or not (as here deposits of $ 1 and the access is free for all). On the stock market, you will not be able to trade with $ 1,000, you need to deposit 10's and 100 or thousand dollars! That is why forex trading and one of the most popular markets.
4) In the forex does not give out money to anybody, here they need to make your mind and even psychological mood and on how you are going to monitor and affect the results.
5) In the forex more than 90% of new traders continually lose money because of their inexperience! Because no desire to learn ...
6) If you are and you will learn and want to really become proficient trederom, you need to learn and practice on the minimum score (forex cent accounts), and believe me, 10-100-200 dollars would be enough to understand whether you fit the forex and whether you are ready continue to trade.
7) In the forex market is really possible to earn a living, make a fortune, at least become an experienced trader and earn 2-3 thousand dollars, but that requires capital and 5000-20000 thousand dollars. And we'll discuss this with you in the next lesson to teach forex.