All of these lessons are nothing more than a simple mechanical rules to closely follow and they will allow you to avoid many of the difficulties and troubles in the forex. But there is another concept or even say trading factor that directly affects the trade of any trader - a trading psychology, mental attitude, safe trading psychology, or simply - the psychology of forex secure.
As we already know, success in the Forex on a regular basis - it's not an accident, namely the readiness of the trader: discipline + strict adherence to forex strategy + psychology.
So, if not strange, in these 100% success rate - 50% depends precisely on the psychology! That is the trader sentiment, psychological stability, resistance to stress, the psychology of decision-making (the opening of the transaction clearly signals on or close losses).
Based on the above described, of course, the question arises:
"Why are so many forex depends on psychology?"
Let me answer this question:
1) money management rules and mani forex management help keep the deposit balance of about zero, that is not to drain it, because even if the percentage loss / trades will be 50 to 50, it is sufficient for stability, can sometimes be a small plus deposit, sometimes less, but in general - zero!
2) The best forex strategy or just the one that is right for you personally, will allow this percentage to persuade the side trades.
3) But if you do not strictly follow your trading system, will be afraid to enter the market because of the fear of loss, well, or will be greedy and do not close the deal on time, then again, these nuances only hurt your trading! And it estpsihologiya trading.
Two traders trading on the same forex signals, all the same will enter into transactions in different ways and the more close them ...
The reason of course is obvious: the trader has 2 most evil enemy - greed and fear. And that their relationship makes trade an individual: one brings the loss to other income.
"Perfect," a trader or professional - is the one who all the same as the close of his next deal, because he is disciplined - do not allow yourself unnecessary risks, it is trading well in their forex strategy, proven, and sure it is 100% ( even if it would bring him 2-3 loss transaction, he knows that the next 1-2 cover them and bring a decent profit) and of course it is psychologically grounded and there is no greed or fear, just cold calculation and clarity of purpose - "to obtain profit from a movement that allows you to take the market ", as well as he always defends his profit, but allows it to grow.
Of course these units, and traders do not always and I behave just like the pros, there are small blunders, but nevertheless they are not as scary in the beginning of my trade (in 2005).
Well, a couple of words over the same would like to say
Mental attitude on trade:
1) Only self-confidence in the market forex trader can make a profit on it. That is, do you think "all this nonsense, make money on Forex course can not" or "forex - but it's all a scam ...", "I'm sure I can not make money on Forex, just try, and suddenly ..." etc. then I recommend that you do not come to the terminal and not to trade at all! Such an attitude - attitude loser, and thus you will certainly find losing trades, not in time to enter or leave them at a loss, even if you have seen profits ...
But the positive sentiment in the Forex really works wonders and allows you to earn money, and on a regular basis !!!
Control your emotions, be disciplined trader and you will learn how to make a profit on forex and help you with this my forex forecast for EURUSD, for which I give free forex signals like a week, and the week!
2) Treat your trading as a business, train, practice on cent accounts, find patterns, and do not be afraid of losses, they will in any case, just minimize them and everything will be OK!
And of course we should not forget that forex trading - a "living organism", as it traded real people or robots, and even if, the man-made, which means that there is often acts so-called "mob psychology". So do not be a crowd - keep your opinion (follow your forex strategy), but do not go against it - it will allow you to always follow the trend.